Have you ever searched desperately for something that was right under your nose?
Ever rummaged through your bag for your pencil that you hooked on your ear?
Ever asked if someone had seen your pair of glasses that was perfectly balanced on your face?
Just the other day, my roommate was telling me of something similar that happened when she was little. She thought she had lost her bread and started crying for someone to bring it back to her. She cried and wailed...only to discover that the bread had been in her hand all along!
After laughing my insides out, I stopped to wonder why that was the case, and why the same applies to most believers all over the world today.
In our lowly sinful state, our eyes and hearts were veiled and unable to perceive the glory of God. Because we couldn't receive, the Holy Spirit couldn't work in us- He could not write on our hearts or make epistles of us because we could not behold with unveiled faces, as in a glass, the glory of God (2 Corinthians 3).
The whole veiling situation was an issue for both us and God. Until He stepped in.
In sending His Son to live and die for us, God tore the veil that separated mankind from Him and gave us His Spirit. This sweet Holy Spirit of God:
- gives us the liberty to approach Him and worship Him in spirit and in truth (2 Corinthians 3:17)
- enables and empowers us to glorify God in our lives (2 Corinthians 2:14)
- transforms us into the very image of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18)
- gives life (2 Corinthians 3:6)
- makes our lives testimonies of God's power and grace (2 Corinthians 3:3)
Do you understand all that your eyes have been unveiled to see? Do you long for all that your heart and life have been unveiled to experience?
So, what's the matter?
Why don't we see that which is right in front of us?
Why do we still search for other sources of love and joy and peace when we have One that never runs out?
Why do we still ask around for something that we carry?
Why don't we see it?
Are we searching with distracted minds, going to church but thinking of what to eat afterward?
Are we forgetful, failing to remember the faithfulness, power, and love of a God who is ever present everywhere?
Or, do we simply not know how what we search for looks like, being unable to recognize it even though God has brought it right to the doors of our hearts?
Say this prayer with me:
Dear Lord,
I come humbly to Your throne of grace this day that I may obtain mercy
For there is none other that loves me as you do, and none other that can work in me like You can
Because all power in heaven and on earth belongs to You
Almighty, I ask this moment that You open the eyes of my heart and enlighten my understanding
That I may see You, beholding Your wondrous works and glorious plans
And that I may keep my gaze fixed on You, casting aside every distraction and care.
I ask this in Jesus' name.
If you just said this prayer, congratulations!
I highly recommend that You proceed to consistently spend time in prayer and the Word, for that is what allows the Holy Spirit to work in You- and open the eyes of your heart.
God bless you!
Love, stationarymissionary.