Blow the trumpets!
Sound the alarm!
The day of the Lord is here,
Be careful that you do not fall into harm.
Beware, you perverse generation,
Behold, you confused generation.
The Way is bare before you,
And the Truth is revealed for you.
Life is made available for you.
Shall you still choose to remain in oblivion?
Look, the earth shakes and the sky trembles,
As the Almighty thunders from heaven!
See, He has sent His warnings,
He tells you of the dark and gloomy day approaching.
For you have ignored His words,
And His covenant you have forsaken.
You have disobeyed His commands,
And His desires have you relegated.
Look, the day of the Lord is terrible!
You vile and evil one,
You broken and empty mortal,
How will you survive it?
“ “But even now”, says the Lord,
“Repent and sincerely return to Me
With fasting and weeping and mourning” ”
Listen, you perverse generation!
Pay attention, you confused generation!
Flee to your tents,
And your garments rend.
Come to the Lord, the God of Israel,
For He is kind and forgiving,
Loving and merciful is He.
Come, old and young,
Come, one and all.
The Lord your God is waiting:
For all who come to Him in repentance before His day,
And that all may truly fully live.
This is a call to repentance!
[Inspired by Joel 2 and 2 Peter 3]
Dear reader,
Please surrender to the Lord today.
Love and light,